08 December 2009

Why you should use the latest update

Bugs and notes come to me by electronic messages. I check them to see if I can reproduce them and if so I make a note to investigate them. Sometimes, the notes lay around my desk for a long time, because 1) I don't have time, or 2) this is more often the reason, the bug is hard to locate. Because of the complexity, after solving I find it sometimes hard to describe the problem and the resolution. You know: "Doctor, when I push here, it hurts there...".
The Vista bug has to do with the memory allocation of the string memory for the Ocx.Name property. When you rename the Ocx (in the Form editor) the memory is released before new (string) memory is allocated to store the new name. GFA bombs! Why? Because GFA mixes memory heaps. The problem is located both in the runtime as in the IDE, but I managed to solve it by a Try/Catch structure in the IDE. For that to happen I had to teach myself code insertion in a binary and writing Try/catch handlers in machine language. Well, its my hobby, so it is no problem, but after so much effort I mostly limit myself to a short note: this bug has been solved. But mostly I give an example in the readme or on my site.
The Double bug is bad! When a string (LPCHR) contains the maximum number of decimal fraction digits in a certain sequence the algorithm FO used is simply wrong. Copy and paste this in your editor:
Const a =  -1.79769313486232e+308
Results of floating-point calculations are often stored in strings (for instance a representation in a control). Than used for a calculation the string is converted back using Val or ValDbl. In certain situation this fails and crashes GB, for the exact same reason. The problem: GFA-BASIC uses a general exported DLL function for these conversions (both at editing, compiling and runtime). How do you know when your conversion is wrong or right?? You cannot. Therefore you MUST use the latest update.


  1. Engel Nobbe28/12/09

    Good to see some people still use GfaBasic. I haven't been (actively) using it for the last ten(?) years or so. Does anyone actually know what happened to the company GFA, or to Frank Ostrowsky?

  2. The company went bankrupt in June 2001. With it the source code disappeared ... I assume, both Sven Thomas (prior manager of GFA Sytemtechick GmbH) and Frank Ostrowski (developer of GFA-BASIC) have a copy of the source code of GFA-BASIC 32 IDE and runtime. It is a pitty they don't share it with the community.
