28 January 2018

Update January 2018

It took a while, but this months update fixes some fatal crashes and provides a few new features. Go to the Download page for more details. Be sure to read the statement on Donations first.

Due to fatal errors the update had to be available as soon as possible. It was prepared in a great hurry and many almost-ready things didn’t make it into this version. So, the update might come with a few annoyances, some little, some cosmetic. Expect more updates to be available in the coming months.

Most changes and additions are mentioned in the ReadMe24.rtf. I hope to discuss some of the new features in coming posts.

The only new feature I like to mention here is Proc PeekView, which allows you peek into a procedure without actually moving to that procedure. Hoover the mouse over a procedure name, either in the editor or in the Procs tab in the sidebar, and a scrollable tooltip will appear. The tooltip shows the procedure header and gives a hint on the definition of the procedure. When you scroll the mousewheel more lines will appear and gives you a peek view of the procedures code lines. No more jumping around. Here is an example.
